Natural remedies to try when you are unwell.

Natural remedies to try when you are unwell.

By Louise Ferguson (Naturopathic Health Coach and Bio-energetic Practitioner) January 2024

With the Winter season in full swing, the unwelcome presence of colds and flu arrives. There are basic things you can do to help such as keeping your fluid intake up, getting plenty of rest, gargling with salt water and having a mug of warm lemon with manuka honey.

It is best to establish if your illness requires professional review, especially if you have a long-term medical condition. A cold usually starts gradually, and symptoms can include a runny nose, sore throat, headache, raised temperature and pressure in your sinuses (NHS, 2021). Flu on the other hand can include a sudden high temperature, all over body aches, exhaustion, sore throat, loss of appetite and diarrhoea or tummy pain (NHS, 2023).

Prevention and early intervention are key. The body can heal itself if given the right conditions. Support the body to self-heal with good nutrition, clean filtered water, exercise, and time in nature. Using herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, and supplements can all help. Try not to suppress infections or fever using antibiotics, steroids, or anti-inflammatory drugs as they may cause deeper-seated immune problems such as allergies or asthma. Do seek practitioner help when a fever goes over 105F (40.5 degrees Celsius) Emotions can have an impact on ill health. Solving stress by getting to root causes is helpful, try to stay away from people or situations that cause stress. Emotions influence disease and health. Ill health is an ‘energetic’ problem and therefore responds well to energetic medicines to balance the body. Redwing Holistic Health specialises in bio-energetic testing and provides energetic remedies alongside health coaching guidance.  

Support the body’s self-healing by following the patients needs in terms of food/drink/temperature (warm/cold) – window to opened or closed? Give light food that is easy to digest such as vegetable broth (no meat), fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Give herbal teas such as peppermint which acts as a decongestant and relieves headaches or elderflower which reduces inflammation and mucus of the sinuses. Take a hot bath to promote sweating and consume probiotic foods to support gut health and immunity. Inhalations are fantastic to relieve congestion in sinuses and lungs, use eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, tea tree oil, lemon chamomile or ginger.    

Natural remedy ideas: Rosemary, garlic, and lemon combination – finely chop or blend 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, 3 to 4 cloves of garlic with the juice of 1 lemon. Please the blended ingredients in a clean glass jar and let it sit for a minimum of 1 hour. Take 1 teaspoon of mixture hourly until symptoms subside. Onion, thyme and Manuka honey combination – finely chop 1 onion and 2 to 3 sprigs of fresh thyme (best fresh as you need the essential oils) and place them in a clean glass jar. Cover with Manuka honey and let it sit for 1 hour minimum. Take 1 teaspoon hourly until symptoms subside.  

Remember to keep hydrated throughout as this supports mucous membranes to remain moist and helps to thin out mucous for better drainage.

In summary, there are many natural alternatives to support illness before reaching for pharmaceuticals. Have faith in the natural self-healing process of your body.


NHS (2021) Common Cold. Available at: Common cold – NHS ( Accessed 11.01.24)

NHS (2023) Flu. Available at: Flu – NHS ( Accessed 11.01.24)

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